Hope Rising

The Complaint

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We live in a culture much like Habakkuk – the Bible seems to be neglected, there is violence and injustice, and government leadership appears corrupt. We call out to God for answers, and yet when God does answer, we don’t always like His answers. God tells Habakkuk to do three things: Write, wait and live by faith. So, in the midst of our questions, fears and concerns, God says to us: Write what I tell you, wait on my perfect timing and live each day by faith. As we put our trust in Sovereign God, hope rises in us. We don’t have to live by fear, but we can live with faith in a God who hears our prayers and cares. He loves us, and we can trust Him.


We live in a culture much like Habakkuk – the Bible seems to be neglected, there is violence and injustice, and government leadership appears corrupt. We call out to God for answers, and yet when God does answer, we don’t always like His answers. God tells Habakkuk to do three things: Write, wait and live by faith. So, in the midst of our questions, fears and concerns, God says to us: Write what I tell you, wait on my perfect timing and live each day by faith. As we put our trust in Sovereign God, hope rises in us. We don’t have to live by fear, but we can live with faith in a God who hears our prayers and cares. He loves us, and we can trust Him.

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