Dads of Daughters

The Pressure Is On

Posted by Anna Townsend on

The pressure is on. Deadlines are reality. Lists are never ending. Conference calls, emails and every other kind of alert fill your digital calendar. You go from meeting to meeting while trying to wrap things up before traveling for work the very next day. 

The pressure is on. Your daughter needs you.

As a daughter of one of the hardest working men I know, the tension between his career and our relationship was and is a real thing. Tension can actually be a healthy way to process…it’s where choices are made, boundaries are created, decisions are established and what’s most important is defined. I recently spent some time asking my dad how he balanced work and family life. How did he transition from being present at work to be present at home? What makes it difficult? Does it matter? 

I needed my dad and he was, and still is, there for me.

Be Present.

Ribbons, paper, gifts, presents. Who doesn’t love to receive a gift? But nothing will make more of an impact than your presence in the everyday moments of your daughter’s life. That’s a gift with a priceless tag. Presence in the small things creates trust in the big things. You have daily opportunities to show her she is valuable, loved and worth time spent. 

  1. Be intentional to show up in the moments…big and small.
  2. Make the most of your time at home just as you make the most of your time at work.
  3. Model presence for your daughter by showing her how to be present in every area of life. The cool part? That includes work!

The pressure is on. Your daughter needs you to be present.

Set Priorities.

We prioritize everything in our lives, whether we intend to or not. The way we activate those priorities speaks directly to those around us. Your daughter is learning about priorities, too. When you prioritize your relationship with Jesus, you point her to Him and that transforms her heart. When you prioritize your family and being intentional to spend time with them, the benefits are endless. When you prioritize your responsibilities at work in a healthy fashion, she understands a work ethic full of character and integrity.

The pressure is on. Your daughter needs you to model the significance of making priorities that count.

And Protect.

Protection is everywhere. We use different things to protect ourselves from all kinds of things… sunscreen from the sun, shoes on our feet, seat belts in our cars. We choose to guard ourselves in order to keep ourselves safe. 

And you must protect your daughter, too. Physical protection is important but showing her how you guard time that you have carved out with her is crucial. 

Protect family time. Make it a priority and enjoy! Play. Laugh. Make memories that impact years to come. 

The pressure is on. Your daughter needs you to protect time with her so she can learn what it means to be consistent in what matters most.

Jesus is in the pressure points.

While there isn’t a “redo” button to push…there is this moment and the moments to come. Lean into those moments and make the most of them with your daughter. And be encouraged, God specifically chose you to be a dad to your daughter and He wants you to thrive in this role. Trust Him for wisdom and guidance on how to be present, set priorities and protect your family, especially when it comes to the tension between career and her. The pressure is on. Your daughter needs you. You need her. And because of strength in Him, you’ve got this!

Anna Townsend
Daughter of Neal